Redecorating a home, whether a major or minor change, can make your home a more inviting oasis for friends, family and yourself. But consider a change that might also invite well-being and maybe wealth. Consider using feng shui.
The practice, which originated in China, is a very basic conception of what does (and doesn’t) make your home appealing and inviting. Being Certified in Home Staging, I also encompass Feng shui when a home needs to be staged. Everything associated with staging from declutter to destink (seriously) to creating an inviting entryway are all Feng shui strategies.
Now, I’m not a magician. Feng shui and home staging alone won’t sell your house. For that you need three basics: the right agent (me), the right marketing plan (mine), and – most of all – the right price (if you’ll listen to me). Without those three basics, Feng shui just stands in the shadows. And shadows are never good.
But this post is about Feng shui for aesthetic purposes, whether selling or staying.
Have you ever walked into a party where all the guests have their backs to you? That’s what it’s like when you walk into a room and all you can see is the back of the furniture. How about if the entrance is bare, cluttered and dark? Do you hesitate for just a second?
A home needs intimacy and warmth. Turn as much furniture as you can so that it faces the entryway. Go out and then come back in to see the difference. Visitors should walk into a home and every room within that home and instantly feel that they belong.
Don’t leave chairs isolated and alone. It creates a basic feeling that the one sitting in that chair is also isolated and also alone. Group them in pairs, diagonally or at least angled to face each other as much as possible. Sharing a small table is ideal.
Next. Arrange your furniture so as not to create an obstacle. Visitors – and positive energy – should be able to move freely through the home. There should be ample open pathways. You want to avoid visitors from feeling closed in or cramped or that the room must be really tiny since the furniture doesn’t seem to fit. If that means getting rid of some of the pieces, then do it.
The way space is arranged has huge power over people and the forces of energy.
Next is Atmosphere. Think about the atmosphere you’re creating. I won’t go into room colors. That’s a whole blog in itself and you can look back at my previous posts for more information. For now I bring up other considerations. You can create the atmosphere that’s calm and restful in the bedroom with a picture of a soothing landscape or garden, not a huge poster of the last Indy winner speeding over the line. Nature scenes are soothing and will relax the visitor. Pictures that invoke movement will invoke wakefulness and stress.
I may tell you to close toilet lids because no buyer wants to look into your commode. The Feng shui philosophy advocates the same thing for a different reason. Water represents money and the toilet is the one place where water/money escapes.
Also, put a small tabletop water fountain either at the entrance or in the back left corner of the home, which is the wealth corner. Moving water circulates prosperity energy throughout the home.
Try placing thriving plants and flowers in the corners of the room That will “enliven” the home and create harmony and well-being.
Trust me. I know. But if you have questions, please contact me. You can reach me through my website at or visit my blog for other awesome posts at